YouTube is a great platform where one can easily make decent money by making a YouTube channel. If you run and maintain a channel, good job man !!!
You might have known that, a poor quality of video harm your channel quality and decrease the reputation as well. If you're looking forward to make your channel more popular and make a passive income out of it, you should be uploaded only the quality of videos not quantity.
When we first created a channel, we had no idea about it that's why we started to uploaded lot's of unnecessary video. And later realized that, these videos aren't important for our channel.
So if you're select some of poor videos which aren't important for you, you should delete them right now after all this is a great matter to your channel success. So follow the below easy steps and delete low quality videos from your channel and make your YC awesome.
- Log in to your YouTube channel, after logged in go to >> Video manager
- Under the video manager, you will get a complete list of videos which you uploaded.
- Now select the video which one you want to delete. You can also select more than one at a time.
- After select videos, go to Action >> Delete.
- You're completely done buddy !!!
I'm not a guy who is good at writing great English. Because English in not my 1st language. Sorry for poor English but I hope that you would understand my article.
So I tried to giving a simple trick to delete a video from your YouTube channel. Hopefully you got it and successfully did it.
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