For making a website or Blog site you need to a domain or hosting. Blogger provide us free domain and hosting. For that reason every people start their first Blogging in Blogger blogspot platform. After making their blog then, they tried to make their Blog site more and more professional. Today I will Be going to share you some way that will be surely help you to make your blog professional. So lets begin Custom Domain- When you make a Blog site in Blogspot platform, they provide you a free domain like Which is does not look professional. For professional purpose you need a custom domain of your site like .com, .net, .org. There are so many custom domain providers in internet. So buy a custom domain and setup your blogger site. You can easily buy a domain $8-$10 for one year. I think this is not a big cost. 2. Template- There are so many default Templates in Blogger. But this template are not look professional. For professional purpose...