Do you know one secret of adsense that if you put your adsense add on middle or the below of post title in your blogger blog , then your revenue will be double in next couple of days. Read the below article how to properly do it. One of the best ever way to monetize a blog with Google adsense. Every one tried their best to increase their blog revenue. For that reasons they would apply lot of tricks. However, If you're a publisher of it, you might have known that adsnes will pay revenue to you with PPC system. PPC means (pay per click). So I know that, you're searching on Google how to increase CTR to improve adsense earning. Yes or not?. Put ads on the right place is a one of the best techniques to increase CTR (Click Trough Rate). Today I'm go to share an amazing trick that will help you to increase CTR. So let's begin this tutorial: Creating Ads from Adsense Before go ahead, you should create a new add place from your adsense account. Follow the below steps Op...