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Showing posts from May 10, 2015

How To Properly Add Blogger Sitemap In Bing Webmaster Tool?

Some of my reader requested to me that share a post about how to submit sitemap in Bing. If you're an active reader of Techshoutme, then you might have known that c ouple of days back I've been shared a complete guide about Google webmaster tools . There is no significance differences between Google or Bing. The adding sitemap process are almost same. However, don't worry I will be going to share it in this post.  Bing is the 2nd popular search engine run by the Microsoft corporation. Some of blogger's and webmaster avoid others search engines (Bing, Yahoo) they just busy with Google. Undoubtedly Google is the world's no-1 search engines. But If you want to get more organic search traffics, then you must need to giving priority all the search engines.  Adding Blogger Sitemap To Bing Webmaster Tools   It is so easy to doing this, just follow the below guides  Firstly you need a Microsoft account (Hotmail). If you do not have any Hotmail account. Click on...

How To Add Twitter Feed Widget On Your Blogger Blog?

In this post I will show you how you can add twitter feed widget on your blogspot blog.  Currently Social media plays a great role in promoting, branding your blog or website. Not only bloggers, it is essential for every internet marketer. Social media helps you to get huge new reader from these sites by sharing your every post.  From various of social media Facebook or twitter are most popular. However, every one want to get more like, follower on their social media account. But getting like, following is not easy. You need to apply some ways to getting more follower. Few days back, I was share a post about adding Facebook like box widget on blogger . Today I will be going to share with a post about twitter. So let's start.  Twitter Feed Widget Twitter developer team working hard for their users to fulfill their desired demand. They have been developed a feed widget. It is a simple widget that display recent tweets of an account. It has also including a follo...